Distance from home: 2.4km
As I am currently living in France, my first blog post obviously had to be about french bakeries, or more precisely 'la baguette'. It is all one thinks about when arriving on french soil and rarely disappoints.
I went to my bakery in my local village, Malemort-Du-Comtat, and as usual the selection of bread was pretty mind blowing and not really knowing the difference between them all, I just picked the two that looked the best (I promise I will ask what the differences are next time), which turned out to be one 'à l'ancienne' and one 'rustique'.
Pro Tip: always ask for a baguette 'bien cuite', this means it's been in the oven for longer, the crust is much crispier and I prefer the flavour, but then again, this is just a personal preference, please do as your like, you are in a french bakery - anything can happen!
Their bread and many pastries are all home made in the back of the shop early each morning. Sadly, all the pains aux chocolats and croissants had run out by the time I got there (a nice early 10.30am), but I will take this as a good sign for the bread, as surely it means that this bakery is a popular one.
The baguette was eaten for lunch, drenched in home made olive oil and salt from Marseilles and it was delicious. Made even better knowing that this bread was made using french flour, was an 8 minute cycle away and happens to be vegan (only water, yeast and flour) - therefore, environmentally I have no issue eating this, my waistline, however, may say otherwise. Bring on more adventures!
Tooco was very keen to give it a try, but despite dribbling on it a bit, he was not allowed to try any. Although the death stare he shot me after almost convinced me to change my mind...